Cappo Bulldogs 卡波英国斗牛俱乐部
第一届卡波英国斗牛俱乐部在上海举办的Party!1st Annual Cappo Bulldogs Club Party!1月31日2010年集合超越二十个卡波英国斗牛俱乐部会员和十几个卡波英牛真的不简单。但确实值得所有的准备。大家都玩非常开心特别是我的牛。看到那么多健康漂亮的牛和终身会员真是卡波's荣幸让几年的努力都值得. 卡波会想办法天气变热之前在办第二届。人潮牛潮肯定会更大的肯定更好玩的!卡波英国斗牛俱乐部加油!中国英牛加油!我们跟其他的国家也爱死我们的宝贝牛!
On January 31, 2010 Cappo Bulldog first Bulldog Party It's looked easy but it not to get more than 20 bulldoggers and 10 bullies together for a party. There where many more in the Shanghai area that wanted to come but out on business, ect, many more throughout China that couldn't come because of the long travel time. But as my our Cappo Bulldog Club keeps increases in numbers we hope to be able to have get togethers all around China. Go Cappo Bulldogs Go China Bulldogs. We love our bulldogs just as much as any other country hahhahaha!

Helped Cappo's Tank take a few stacked shots.

卡波帮了卡波's 坦克摆一些标准照。真不简单坦克只我们的会员的宝贝!

卡波's 猫王 aka LOMO 也终于出面了。是没任何办法摆的牛。太宠爱了下次再努力吧。

Adrian's Cappo LOMO was by far the toughest bulldog I every tried to stack. Maybe next party....


Cappo's Surge and son Cappo's Tume. Tume at 2 month already stacks like a Champion!

卡波's 英镑和爸爸美国冠军英雄。Pound and father Am Ch Coastbulls Valiant Hero. Pound is impossible to stack!

Cappo Tankie and father American Champion Hero

卡波's圆满和爷爷BIS Cappo Dowats NO Worries 修力

Cappo Unicorn still remembers Cappo taught him to show months earlier. 卡波's 圆满还记得怎么摆秀。已经好几个在新爸爸妈妈家当家的国王差一点不听话。哈哈哈!

Hero, Unee, Shorty trying to take a picture. 英雄,圆满,修力 在准备拍照没成功。哈哈哈!

Our number one bulldog Champion Might Mytoys Legend in the Making-AKA- TOBY. 中国超级种公没得比-TOBY!

Hope you enjoy the party as much as we did. 希望牛友们欣赏这些照片就如同你们在现场一样!
Cappo Bulldogs
Richard Cappo卡波
斗牛犬,英国斗牛犬, 卡波英国斗牛俱乐部,卡波英国斗牛犬舍,卡波犬舍,上海卡波,要买英牛斗牛犬,
出售英国斗牛, 赛级斗牛
上海出售英国斗斗牛犬,全国-世界-卖英牛斗牛犬, 出售英国斗牛, 卖赛级斗牛犬, Cappo Bulldogs, English Bulldogs, Shanghai Bulldogs
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