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11月1日2008年Sugar Time 卡波英国斗牛俱乐部报道-蜜糖时光
文章来源:斗牛犬 英国斗牛犬 卡波英国斗牛犬俱乐部网站  阅读:3400 次  时间:2008/11/1 18:08:05

Holy Shit. He's done it again. This time Cappo has took a step back and breed Cappo Big Boy Bruce to Cappo Dowats Brown Suger(Sooners and Crazy horse daughter) This is also line breeding to Ch Dowats Sabo Boomer. But not as close...Great great Grandpa on mothers side and Great Grandpa on faters side. Last time Sooner and Bruces produced four beautiful puppies. On 9/16/08 Sugar has whelped 3 beautiful puppies- two girls and one boy. They have big footsteps to fill. Let's keep our figures crossed and watch them grow!!!!

哇塞卡波先生又成功配上Cappo Dowats Brown Sugar-蜜糖。 也是血统繁殖Ch Dowats Sabo Boomer. 卡波's Big Boy Bruce 上次繁殖出来4只漂亮的英牛!现在已经在中国个地方当超级种公也在帮忙改善中国英牛的品质!9月16日2008蜜糖(苏妮和狂吗的直女)生了两母,一公。 我有信心它会们长成,中国的新的超级种公,种母!!! 一起期待看它们长大!

Cappo Dowats Brown Sugar(卡波's 蜜糖)的父亲Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse(狂吗)


Cappo Dowats Brown Sugar(卡波's 蜜糖)的母亲Dowats 苏妮


Cappo Dowats Brown Sugar(卡波's 蜜糖)


卡波's Big Boy-aka-Bruce的父亲Ch Mighty Mytoys Legend in the Making-aka- Toby


卡波's Big Boy-aka-Bruce的母亲Dowats Picaboo

小种公: Cappo's Malone卡波's 马龙



Prada will not stack I have given up! hahaha 很难摆他???


小母二 Cappo's Channel 香奈儿


Cappo Bulldogs
Richard Cappo

QQ号: 816168174
China’s only American Bulldog Breeder!
Improving the Breed in China
Proud Member of the BCA(Bulldog Club of America)


斗牛犬,英国斗牛犬, 卡波英国斗牛俱乐部,卡波英国斗牛犬舍,卡波犬舍,上海卡波,要买英牛斗牛犬, 出售英国斗牛, 赛级斗牛

中国上海,全国-世界-卖英牛斗牛犬, 出售英国斗牛, 卖赛级斗牛犬, Cappo Bulldogs, English Bulldogs, Shanghai, China

网站地址: www.cappobulldogs.comwww.chinabulldogs.com , www.englishbulldogs.cn , www.斗牛犬。com

版权所有:卡波斗牛俱乐部  联系电话:+86-13061669777(Shanghai China)
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