真是牛!卡波’s 棒棒糖才参加2次比赛就顺利拿到了青年组的皇后大奖!Cappo’s Laleepop second show takes RBIS!
Cappo’s Laleepop second show takes a Queen award in the Junior Class at the September 27, 2009 Asia Petfair show. Queen means she beat all the femele bitches in all breeds but when competing for Best in Show only lost to the male dog in her class. Pretty impressive for this young girl. We hope she will be able to take BIS when she fully matures! Look at Poodles, Bulldogs are a breed to be reckened with!!! Hahahahahha! Cappo Bulldogs
真是牛……!卡波’s 棒棒糖在亚洲宠物展2009年9月27日才参加2次比赛就顺利拿到了青年组的皇后大奖!这可是卡波棒棒糖在所有犬种的母犬中所拿到最好的成绩,虽然在拼比全场第一名BIS(BEST IN SHOW)时输给青年组的国王……一只漂亮的比熊犬……!虽败犹荣……换句话说:皇后奖也就等于是比赛全场的第二名RBIS。因此……卡波会本着精益求精的精神,继续努力而使有卡波血系的英牛再接再励再拿一个Best in Show!加油……现在卡波的英牛在比赛场上可是非常的卖力又有爆发力。贵宾、松狮、比熊等大款名犬可要当心了哟……哈!哈!!哈!!!……卡波英国斗牛俱乐部……

Cappo's Laleepop Reserve BEST IN SHOW 卡波's 棒棒糖皇后大奖!!!

Laleepop lining up against stiff doggy competitions! 很有信心的棒棒糖和卡波在决赛。。。

Laleepop knocked off a lot of breeds. Bulldogs are no more joke at these show. She can move! 棒棒糖干掉不少品种。英国斗牛犬不能再小看。这牛真会跑!步伐太完美!!!

Laleepop stacks herself. What a sweetie pie! 有一些好牛不需要摆。他们自然站好!

Does she like to show! No spooking this bully! 全种的英牛不只像英牛但最重要是性格正确!

Laleepop can really move! 卡波's 棒棒糖 步伐太漂亮。很有气质的美妞!
下次再加油BEST IN SHOW就差一位!