12月18号2008年 Mr. Cappo 卡波先生又引进了一只优秀的年轻美国冠军。CH Coastbulls Valiant Hero(英雄)英雄现在两岁在一岁半顺利完成美国冠军!英雄跟卡波英国斗牛俱乐部另外明星美国冠军TOBY会不断的改善中国的英牛品质。 现在没有任何国内英牛犬舍可以比的过Toby的繁殖成果。在加上我的的新的英雄更不用讲。说专业,说高品质,说赛级,说卡波!!!!We will like to announce the new addition to the Cappo Bulldog arsenal of Studs American Champion Coastbulls Valiant Hero. Hero well help our already proven Champion Mighty Mytoys Legend in the Making - Toby. improve our lines. We would like to thank breeder friends of Coastbulls Bulldogs- Link Newcomb and Micah Leslie for trusting us with this special boy.
Cappo Surge has alreadey been retired. Happy living with friends in Sichuan, China.
卡波's 闪电已经退休。现在养老在四川好卡波会员支小姐们的家。
Cappo's Surge is a Harry and Picaboo son. Although he is super big he still is able to move like lightning. This is where he got his name. With 25% English lines he got the nice turn up which most American lines are lacking. 卡波's 闪电初次去比赛干掉卡波先生被偷掉的卡波'sMONKEY证明卡波二级的种公的实力非常不错。现在闪电更漂亮,出的小牛遗传漂亮头版,骨量粗壮,完美步伐的小牛。有机会下次来比赛看看闪电飞到全场第一名!
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